smtc 5 300 0022010(v1)汽车内饰件涂装要求.pdf

瀞瑶 健康养生 2024-12-17 2 0

smtc 5 300 0022010(v1)汽车内饰件涂装要求.pdf

SMTC 上汽股份有限公司技术中心企业技术标准 Enterprise Technical Standard of SAIC Motor Technical Center SMTC 5 300 002 2010 V1 - ( ) 汽车内饰件涂装要求 Paint Coating on Materials Used in the Vehicle Interior Trim Requirements 2010-04-13 发布/Issue 2010-04-14 实施/Implementation 上汽股份技术中心技术标准化委员会 发 布 Technical Standardization Committee of SAIC Motor Technical Center Issue SMTC 5 300 002—2010(V1) 目 次/Contents 前言 Foreword II 1 范围Scope 1 2 规范性引用文件 Normative references 1 3 要求Requirements 2 3.1 基本要求 General requirements 2 3.2 外观和感触性能 Appearance and haptic characteristics 3 3.3 大气暴晒试验 Open-air weathering 3 3.4 涂装工序 Painting process 3 3.5 预处理Conditioning 4 3.6 油漆系统 Paint systems 4 3.7 初始状态中的附着力和脆性 Adhesion and brittleness in initial condition 4 3.8 耐刮性能 Scratch resistance 5 3.9 散发性能 Emission behavior 5 3.10 耐热性Temperature resistance 5 3.11 耐候性Weather resistance 6 3.12 耐老化性 Aging resistance 6 3.13 耐磨性能 Abrasion behavior 7 3.14 耐清洁剂和混合汗液 Resistance to cleaning agents and synthetic sweat 7 3.15 耐面霜性能 Cream resistance 9 4 关于试验的规定 Notes on testing 9 4.1 耐光性Lightfastness 9 4.2 磨损Abrasion 10 I 打印、拷贝即为非受控文件,请核查最新版本 - Printed Copy is Uncontrolled – Check Issue is Current -





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