2022年9月28日-北京 国际移民组织(IOM)驻华代表处与中国国际经济技术交流中心(CICETE)联合举办了国际移民组织全球发展和南南合作基金(GDF)项目执行经验在线研讨会。作为交流中心与合作伙伴管理能力建设系列活动之一,研讨会旨在从实施的全球发展与南南合作基金项目中吸取最佳实践和经验。来自全球的 100 多名嘉宾参加了此次活动。其中包括国际移民组织日内瓦总部、曼谷地区办公室、相关国别办公室和中国国际经济技术交流中心的高级官员。商务部,中国国际发展合作署等中国政府机构,驻外使馆,联合国机构,项目评估机构和民间团体的代表也出席了本次研讨会。国际移民组织副总干事Ugochi Daniels在开幕致辞中赞扬了中国的全球发展倡议,肯定了南南合作在该倡议中的关键地位。她指出:“从一年前就任国际移民组织副总干事以来,我就把加强南南合作和三方合作领域作为本组织的首要优先事项,对该领域的关注也基于我的背景、经验和坚定的信念。” Ugochi Daniels强调了国际移民组织与中国在全球发展倡议框架下建立伙伴关系和未来合作的协同效应与机遇。她感谢交流中心在国际移民组织执行全球发展基金既往项目、评估和审阅新项目建议时给予的大力支持和协助,并对中国就国际移民组织在华资源募集工作日益积极和全面的支持态度表示欢迎。
国际移民组织副总干事Ugochi Daniels开幕致辞中国国际经济技术交流中心副主任张翼在欢迎致辞中表示,“作为全球发展倡议(GDI)框架下的具体行动之一,中国全球发展与南南合作基金在现有30亿美元的基础上增资10亿美元,这标志着我们的合作进入了新的阶段,也提出了更高的期望和要求。交流中心愿与国际移民组织等联合国发展机构一道,充分利用相关资金在发展中国家开展务实项目,加快落实2030年可持续发展议程。”张翼在致辞中表示,他充分认可国际移民组织作为联合国移民机构的关键地位,以及实施可持续发展目标和全球治理的关键合作伙伴地位,赞扬国际移民组织在实施项目时的最佳实践。交流中心对于与国际移民组织的合作感到满意,希望进一步加强合作,并特别感谢国际移民组织驻华代表处在与中国各机构协调方面发挥了不可或缺的核心作用。
中国国际经济技术交流中心副主任张翼欢迎致辞国际移民组织亚太地区办公室代理主任 Patrick Duigan,从国别办公室的角度阐述了国际移民组织在该地区的优先事项与中国全球发展倡议之间的相关性。针对中国在全球发展和南南合作基金框架下的最新一轮项目征集倡议,国际移民组织相关国别办公室均予以非常积极的响应。他说:“国际移民组织战略在韧性、流动性和治理方面与全球发展倡议原则高度一致。我们随时准备提供最好的技术援助、支持和建议,以确保全球发展与南南合作基金项目达到全球规范和标准并成为最佳实践。”
国际移民组织亚太地区办公室代理主任 Patrick Duigan分享相关国别办公室最佳实践与优先事项国际移民组织总部对外关系部门主任李文从全球视角分享了移民如何促进可持续发展目标的实施。她说:“国际移民组织已经准备好利用本组织的号召力、技术专长和项目运营能力,通过充分利用安全和有序迁移的潜力来支持全球发展倡议的实施和可持续发展目标的实现。”
国际移民组织总部对外关系部门主任李文致辞国际移民组织尼日利亚代表处代理代表Murima Prestage和国际移民组织索马里代表处代理代表Ewa Naqvi应邀分享了在全球发展基金支持下,尼日利亚和索马里项目的成功经验和最佳实践。“全球发展和南南合作基金的为支持日利亚博尔诺州(Borno)49643个受冲突影响的家庭提供了拯救生命的人道主义服务。国际移民组织提议的干预措施支持尼日利亚政府应对持续的人道主义危机,并为过渡到恢复期提供了基础。“自2017年索马里项目实施起,国际移民组织与索马里联邦政府、联合国伙伴机构合作,填补了因干旱和冲突而流离失所的索马里人在住所上的需求。” Ewa Naqvi还指出,在南南合作基金援助项目的支持下,索马里的长期恢复和稳定得到了保障。在讨论问答环节,来自曼谷区域办公室的专家组分别就国际移民组织专业技能领域、项目管理、监测和评估经验,以及与非政府组织合作的最佳实践等内容做了分享和交流。最后,国际移民组织驻华代表柯吉佩(Giuseppe Crocetti)在闭幕式上对国际移民组织总干事 Ugochi
Daniel 、中国国际经济技术交流中心副主任张翼和所有与会代表的积极参与和为此次活动做出的巨大贡献表示感谢。他再次表示,国际移民组织愿进一步加强与中国国际经济技术交流中心在全球发展和南南合作基金项目上的合作。
9/28/2022 Beijing - International Organization of Migration (IOM) Mission in China and
China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE) jointly
organized an online Webinar on IOM’s experience in implementing Global
Development and South-South Cooperation Fund (GDF) projects. This is one part
of an ongoing capacity building exercise organized by CICETE with partners to
solicit best practice and lessons when implementing GDF projects.More than
100 participants attended this event around the world, including senior
officials from IOM HQs in Geneva, IOM Regional Office in Bangkok, IOM country offices
and CICETE. Also present are delegates from the Chinese government agencies
like the Ministry of Commerce, China International Development and Cooperation
Agency, embassies abroad, UN agencies and civil society.In the
opening remarks, Ms. Ugochi Daniels, IOM Deputy Director General, commended China
for the Global Development Initiative (GDI), with south-south cooperation as a
key component. She shared “Since taking office as the new IOM Deputy Director
General for Operations, almost exactly one year ago, I have made it a top
priority for the Organization to strengthen our efforts in the field of
south-south and triangular cooperation, owing this renewed focus to my
background, experience and firm beliefs.” She highlighted synergies and
opportunities for partnership and future cooperation between IOM and China
under the framework of GDI. She expressed appreciation to CICETE for its strong
support and assistance in implementing GDF projects and reviewing new project
proposals by IOM. She welcomed China’s increasingly proactive and comprehensive
approach towards IOM’s resources mobilization efforts in China.Mr. Zhang
Yi, CICETE Deputy Director General, stated in his welcome remark that “As one
of the concrete actions under the framework of the GDI, China's Global
Development and South-South Cooperation Fund (GDF), with an additional input of
1 billion U.S. dollars on top of the existing 3 billion U.S. dollars, marks a
new stage and higher expectations in our cooperation. CICETE would work with UN
development agencies, making full use of relevant funds in carrying out
practical projects in developing countries to accelerate implementation of the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” In full recognition of IOM’s status
as a key UN migration agency and a key partner for implementing SDGs and global
governance, he commended IOM for bringing good practices when implementing GDF
projects. CICETE is satisfied with cooperation with IOM and wish this
cooperation could be further strengthened. A special appreciation has been
extended to the IOM Mission in China for its central role in coordination with
the Chinese agencies.Mr. Patrick
Duigan, Regional Director a.i. in IOM Regional Office for Asia and Pacific, elaborated
on points of convergence between IOM priorities in the region and China’s GDI
from the perspective of country offices who have responded with great
enthusiasm to China’s latest call for applications under the new Global Development
and South-South Cooperation Fund. He said, “IOM Strategies are aligned with GDI
Principles in resilience, mobility and governance. We stand ready to provide the
best technical assistance, support and advice to make sure the GDF projects to achieve
global norms and standards and to become a best practice."Ms. Li Wen,
Director of Department of External Relations in IOM HQs, shared from a global
perspective that how migration contributes to implementation of SDGs. She addressed
“IOM is prepared to leverage its convening power, technical expertise, and
operational capacity to support the implementation of GDI and the achievement
of SDGs through harnessing the full potential of safe and orderly migration.”.Ms. Murima
Prestage, Chief of Mission a.i. of IOM Nigeria, and Ms. Ewa Naqvi, Chief of
Mission a.i. of IOM Somalia, were invited to share successful experience and
best practice of projects implemented in Nigeria and Somalia supported under
GDF.“The support from the Global Development and South-South Cooperation
Fund provided life-saving humanitarian services to 49,643 conflict-affected
households in Borno State. IOM’s proposed interventions have supported the
Government of Nigeria in responding to the ongoing humanitarian crisis and
provided a basis for transition into recovery support.”, said by Murima Prestage.“Implemented
in 2017, IOM, in partnership with the Federal Government of Somalia, other UN
partners and regional states, covered critical gaps in shelter for displaced Somalis
by drought and by conflict”, Ewa Naqvi stated. She noted that the project underSouth-South Cooperation Fund has supported long term recovery and
stabilization in Somalia.Thematic
Specialists from IOM Regional Office in Bangkok also joined in the discussions
and provided responses and additional information about IOM’s areas of expertise,
modality of project management, evaluation and monitoring, cooperation with
NGOs, etc.In the
closing remarks, Mr. Giuseppe Crocetti, Chief of Mission of IOM China, expressed
his appreciation to IOM DDG, CICETE DDG and all participants for their active
participation and great contribution to the event. He reaffirmed IOM’s
readiness to further strengthen cooperation with CICETE around GDF projects.