
艺蝉 生活乐趣 2024-12-21 3 0


  Money is the root of evil.   金钱是罪恶的根源。   All things are obedient to money.   一切事物都服从于金钱。   Before gold,even kings take off their hats.   在黄金面前,国王也要脱帽。   Money makes the mare go.   有钱能使鬼推磨。   Beauty is potent,but money is more potent.   美貌固然重要,金钱更加重要。   Those who believe money can do everything   are frequently prepared to do everything for money.   相信金钱万能的人,往往会一切为了金钱。   Wealth makes worship.   财富能使人拜倒。   Little wealth,little care.   财富少,烦恼也少。   A moneyless man goes fast through the market.   身上无钱过市快。   Don't let your money direct you.   不要让金钱牵着鼻子走。   Avarice increases with wealth.   越有钱,越贪钱。   Money is the key that opens all doors.   金钱是打开一切门户的钥匙。   All is not gold that glitters.   闪光未必尽黄金。   Time is money.   时间就是金钱。   Money isn’t everything.   金钱并非万能的。   Money is a good servant but a bad master.   要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。   Time is money,but money cannot buy time.   一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。   If you ignore money, money will ignore you.   你不理财,财不理你.   Money is not omnipotent, no money is totally unacceptable.   有钱不是万能的,没有钱是万万不能的。   Money talks.   有钱能使鬼推磨。   What is wealth good for if it brings melancholy?   财富如带忧郁来,有了财富有何用?。   Gold will not buy anything.   黄金不是万能的。   A full purse makes the heart light.   人有钱,心事轻。   A light purse is a heavy curse.   人无钱,处处难。   A wrinkled purse, a wrinkled face.   钱袋起皱,脸也起皱。   A man without money is a bow without arrow.   没钱之人就像无箭之弓。   Money is sinews of war.   金钱是战争的原动力。   Money is power.   金钱就是权力。   Money rules the world.   金钱支配世界。   All things are obedient to money.   有钱能使鬼推磨。   Money borrowed is soon sorrowed.   债上手头,愁上心头。   Debt is the worst kind of poverty.   贫穷莫过于欠债。   Industry is wealth’s right hand, and frugality her left.   勤劳和节俭,财富左右手。   Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.   金钱用于脑,永远不徒劳。   Learning is better than house and land.   学富五车胜于家财万贯。   Money is the root of all evil.   金钱是万恶之源。   Ill-gotten goods never prosper.   不义之举难发家。 (编辑:何莹莹)





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